Aina Asif, a rising young talent, has taken on the lead role in the gripping drama series “Mayi Ri,” which bravely delves into the pressing issue of child marriages prevailing in Pakistan. Despite its brief runtime, the show has managed to capture a substantial audience, with Aina’s exceptional performance drawing widespread acclaim for her portrayal of a challenging character.
The ensemble cast of the serial, featuring prominent actors such as Saad Faridi, Maya Khan, Hiba Ali Khan, Samar Abbas Jafri, and the talented Aina Asif, recently appeared on Nida Yasir’s popular morning show, “Good Morning Pakistan.” During the candid interview, Aina candidly expressed that her role as Annie marks a pivotal point in her acting journey.
When asked about her initial reaction upon being offered the lead role in “Mayi Ri,” the 14-year-old actress shared her sheer excitement, exclaiming, “When I got the call [for the role], I was ecstatic.” Aina continued to reveal that her enthusiasm was sparked even before securing the role. She explained, “As soon as I received a brief description of the character, I was immediately intrigued. I knew I wanted to play this character.”
Aina divulged an interesting tidbit about her journey to landing the role of Annie. She originally auditioned for a different part but impressively managed to secure both that role and the coveted lead in “Mayi Ri.” The drama’s director, Meesam Naqvi, was struck by Aina’s audition, recognizing her undeniable talent. The star-studded project also features esteemed figures like Nauman Ejaz and Maria Wasti.
While “Mayi Ri” isn’t Aina’s debut project, her previous supporting role in the well-received drama serial “Baby Baji” had already garnered her a devoted fan base. Her natural talent and captivating on-screen presence positioned her as a promising young actress before she stepped into the shoes of Annie for her latest venture.
“Mayi Ri” holds a mirror to the pressing issue of child marriages, a deeply entrenched problem that affects countless lives across Pakistan. The drama’s compelling narrative and poignant performances have struck a chord with audiences, encouraging conversations about a matter that demands urgent attention and reform.
As Aina Asif continues to evolve as an actress, her role in “Mayi Ri” serves as a testament to her dedication and versatility. By taking on challenging roles that shed light on important societal issues, Aina and her fellow cast members contribute to fostering awareness and understanding among viewers.
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As the drama continues to captivate audiences and ignite discussions, Aina’s portrayal of Annie stands as a reminder of the power of storytelling and its potential to drive positive change in society. With her remarkable talent and unwavering commitment, Aina Asif is undoubtedly an emerging star to watch in the entertainment industry, using her platform to amplify important voices and stories.