Anju, also known as Fatima, a woman hailing from India, has received heartening news as her visa for Pakistan has been extended for an additional year. This extension comes as a result of her cross-border marriage to Nasrullah, a resident of Pakistan’s Dirbala district.
Nasrullah expressed his joy at the recent development, highlighting the significance of this visa extension for their shared journey. After an initial two-month extension, the couple had earnestly pursued the necessary procedures to secure this further extension, affirming the strength of their marital bond.
The process of obtaining this visa extension was marked by meticulous attention to detail and adherence to the guidelines set forth by the Ministry of Interior. The couple’s commitment to fulfilling all the required documentation was met with unwavering support from various institutions and departments within Pakistan.
Anju’s venture into Pakistan began on July 22 when she arrived in the Deer Bala district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Since then, her transition to becoming Fatima has been accompanied by significant milestones, including the successful acquisition of a one-year visa extension following the Interior Ministry’s approval.
Nasrullah shared his insights during an interview in Islamabad, shedding light on the journey they undertook to secure this extension. “We have met all the necessary prerequisites, and the outcome is a well-deserved one-year visa extension. The process was characterized by a remarkable level of support and collaboration from all the relevant institutions,” he stated.
He further elaborated, underlining the seamless cooperation they experienced throughout the process. “Our interactions with these institutions were marked by a spirit of unity, ensuring a smooth and supportive experience every step of the way.”
This news brings a renewed sense of continuity to Anju’s stay in Pakistan, allowing her to further embrace her new identity as Fatima and to continue building a life with Nasrullah. Their story serves as a testament to the power of love and the unbreakable bond that transcends borders.
Read more: Indian Woman Reaches Pakistan to Meet Facebook Friend
As the couple looks ahead to the upcoming year, the extension of Anju’s visa stands as a symbol of hope and determination, exemplifying the positive outcomes that can be achieved through collaboration and perseverance. With their hearts set on a future filled with possibilities, Anju and Nasrullah’s journey continues to inspire those around them.