Sunday, September 8, 2024
Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomePakistanPetrol Prices Slashed by Rs8 Per Litre, Maintains High-Speed Diesel Prices

Petrol Prices Slashed by Rs8 Per Litre, Maintains High-Speed Diesel Prices

The caretaker government took a step on Monday night by reducing the price of petrol by Rs8 per litre, while keeping the high-speed diesel prices unchanged for the upcoming two weeks.

As per a notification from the finance ministry, the adjusted prices for petroleum products will be effective from midnight tonight. This decision, approved by the caretaker prime minister, underscores the government’s dedication to alleviate financial burdens for the public, especially during this critical times.

In the wake of this substantial reduction, the latest rates stand at Rs259.34 per litre for petrol and Rs276.21 per litre for high-speed diesel.

Contrary to the previous decision two weeks ago, where the government opted to maintain petrol and high-speed diesel prices at Rs267.34 and Rs276.21, respectively, this latest move has reportedly resulted in a reduction of Rs2.19 in the price of kerosene oil.

The Finance Division, in its notification, highlighted that “the government of Pakistan has chosen to retain the current prices of petrol and high-speed diesel for the upcoming period.


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