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Saturday, September 14, 2024
HomeEducationPakistan bans O-Level Sociology book for LGBTQ content

Pakistan bans O-Level Sociology book for LGBTQ content

The decision of the Federal Education Ministry to ban certain Cambridge textbooks over their LGBTQ content has generated a lot of controversy in Pakistan. According to reports, the Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (PEIRA) has banned the printing, publishing, distribution, and teaching of Sociology and The History and Culture of Pakistan in educational institutions across the federal capital. The move has been widely criticized by human rights organizations, educators, and members of the LGBTQ community, who argue that it is a violation of academic freedom and a step back for the country’s progress towards inclusivity and diversity.

The banned textbooks include Sociology by Jonathan Blundell of Cambridge University Press and The History and Culture of Pakistan by Nigel Kelly of Peck Publishing Limited/Danish Publishing Private Limited, which was being taught in O-levels. The Federal Secretary of Education and Vocational Training, Waseem Ajmal Chaudhry, noted that these books did not have a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Curriculum Wing, and their content includes material against the socio-cultural values of Pakistan.

While it is understandable that the government wants to ensure that textbooks used in schools align with the country’s cultural and religious values, banning books solely based on their LGBTQ content sends a negative message to the marginalized community. Such actions can further stigmatize and discriminate against individuals who identify as LGBTQ, which goes against the principles of inclusivity and diversity.

Moreover, banning books without conducting a thorough review and consultation with experts in the field can be detrimental to students’ education. The Cambridge O-Level Sociology book has been used in schools worldwide and has been reviewed by subject specialists. By banning the book without any prior review, the government is denying students access to a valuable resource that can broaden their knowledge and perspective on various social issues.

Academic freedom is a fundamental right that should be protected in all societies. The freedom of scholars, teachers, and students to pursue their academic interests without interference or censorship is crucial to the development of critical thinking and the pursuit of knowledge. Violating academic freedom can lead to a narrow-minded society that is resistant to change and progress.

Banning books and limiting what is taught in schools can have a severe impact on students’ critical thinking skills, creativity, and ability to form independent opinions. Education should be a means to broaden students’ understanding and exposure to different cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles. Banning books that present different perspectives on social issues goes against the principles of critical thinking and independent inquiry.

The government’s action is also a violation of the right to education. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognizes education as a fundamental right and calls on states to provide access to quality education that respects diversity and promotes tolerance. By banning books, the government is denying students access to a quality education that prepares them for the challenges of the 21st century.

It is worth noting that banning books is not a new phenomenon in Pakistan. In recent years, several books have been banned for various reasons, including political and religious content. Such actions do not reflect a society that values freedom of expression and diversity.

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Instead of banning books, the government should work towards creating a more inclusive and tolerant society. This can be achieved by promoting diversity and inclusivity in schools, encouraging open dialogue and discussion on social issues, and providing students with a broad range of resources and materials that reflect diverse perspectives.

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Furthermore, the government should invest in improving the quality of education in Pakistan. According to the 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report, Pakistan ranks 153rd out of 190 countries in terms of the quality of education. The government should focus on improving the curriculum, teacher training, and infrastructure to ensure that students receive a quality education that prepares them for the challenges of the 21st century.


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