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Monday, October 21, 2024
HomeLifestyleTrendingMount Kinabalu, Journey of a Japanese Tailor wearing three-piece suit

Mount Kinabalu, Journey of a Japanese Tailor wearing three-piece suit

Nobutaka Sada’s climb up Mount Kinabalu in his three-piece suit and leather shoes is a testament to his sense of adventure and style. He is a tailor by trade and an adventurer at heart. He is known for his eccentric expeditions where he sports his elegant three-piece suit, a leather suit, and an office ID tag while climbing mountains, running marathons, and even snorkelling. Recently, his exploits made headlines as he climbed Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia, in his signature outfit. Despite being an unconventional sight, Sada’s climb has been received positively by the public and has generated a lot of interest in his bespoke suit label.

Sada’s journey up Mount Kinabalu was not a publicity stunt; rather, it was his way of promoting his brand and showcasing the versatility of his bespoke suits. According to Sada, his suits are not just meant for formal occasions and business meetings, but can also be worn in the harshest of conditions, including mountaineering expeditions. He wanted to prove that his suits are not just fashionable, but also functional and durable.

Mount Kinabalu is a challenging climb, even for experienced climbers. The peak stands at a height of 4,095 meters, and the climb can take up to two days, depending on the route taken. Most climbers opt for hiking gear and specialized footwear, but Sada decided to go against the grain and don his three-piece suit and leather shoes. He was accompanied by a local guide who helped him navigate the treacherous terrain.

Sada’s climb was not without its challenges. The tropical humidity and rain made the climb more difficult, and his leather shoes were not designed for hiking. However, Sada was determined to reach the summit in his suit, and he persevered through the difficult conditions. He later recounted how his suit kept him warm and dry during the climb and how it helped him reach his “business meeting” at the top in time.

Sada’s climb has garnered widespread attention on social media, with many hailing his sense of adventure and style. Some have even called him a fashion icon and an inspiration for those who dare to be different. Sada’s climb is a testament to the versatility of his suits and how they can be worn in a variety of settings.

Sada’s exploits are not just limited to mountaineering. Previously, he ascended Japan’s 26th highest mountain, completed the Tokyo marathon, skied on the Hokkaido slopes, and even went snorkeling in the Genkai sea, all while dressed in his distinctive suit. He has become somewhat of a celebrity in Japan, with many following his adventures on social media and his blog.

Sada’s climb up Mount Kinabalu is a reminder that style and adventure are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to look good while engaging in outdoor activities and pushing oneself to new heights. Sada’s bespoke suits are a testament to his passion for both fashion and adventure, and they embody his spirit of innovation and daring.

Mount Kinabalu

Sada’s climb has also sparked a conversation about sustainability and responsible tourism. Mount Kinabalu is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Climbing the mountain can have a significant impact on its ecosystem, and it is important for climbers to be mindful of their impact. Sada’s climb was carried out in a responsible manner, and he has encouraged others to follow in his footsteps and be mindful of the environment while engaging in outdoor activities.

Nobutaka Sada’s climb up Mount Kinabalu in his three-piece suit and leather shoes is a testament to his sense of adventure and style. His climb has garnered widespread attention on social media, and it has sparked a conversation about sustainability and responsible tourism. Sada’s bespoke suits are a testament to his passion for both fashion and adventure, and they


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